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In recent years, shared mobility has witnessed exponential growth, transforming the way people commute and utilize vehicles. From ride-hailing services to car-sharing platforms, the rise of shared mobility presents both opportunities and challenges for the transportation industry. To effectively manage the allocation of vehicles in this dynamic landscape, Transportation Management Systems (TMS) like HiTCH are playing a crucial role. Let’s explore the strategies employed by HiTCH to enable efficient vehicle allocation in the era of shared mobility. 

Optimizing Fleet Utilization 

Shared mobility platforms heavily rely on maximizing fleet utilization to ensure profitability. TMS solutions like HiTCH provide powerful algorithms that analyze real-time data, such as demand patterns, geographic locations, and user preferences, to optimize vehicle allocation. By considering factors such as trip duration, distance, and passenger capacity, HiTCH intelligently matches available vehicles with user requests, minimizing empty miles and maximizing revenue potential. 

Dynamic Routing and Dispatch 

In the world of shared mobility, flexibility and responsiveness are paramount. HiTCH employs dynamic routing and dispatch algorithms that continuously adapt to changing demand and traffic conditions. By utilizing real-time data feeds, including traffic congestion information and ride requests, HiTCH can efficiently allocate vehicles to meet customer demand while ensuring efficient travel routes. This not only reduces travel time for passengers but also enhances overall fleet productivity. 

Integrating with Mobility Platforms 

To seamlessly operate within the shared mobility ecosystem, HiTCH integrates with popular mobility platforms, such as ride-hailing and car-sharing services. This integration enables HiTCH to receive trip requests and vehicle availability information from these platforms, allowing for real-time synchronization of vehicle allocation. By leveraging these integrations, HiTCH ensures that vehicles are allocated and dispatched seamlessly, minimizing idle time and maximizing revenue generation opportunities. 

Demand Forecasting and Predictive Analytics 

Anticipating demand fluctuations is crucial for shared mobility services. HiTCH uses advanced demand forecasting and predictive analytics to analyze historical data, market trends, and external factors. This allows for accurate prediction of future demand patterns. By doing so, HiTCH can proactively allocate resources and adjust fleet capacity to maintain an optimal supply-demand balance.


As the shared mobility landscape continues to evolve, efficient vehicle allocation becomes increasingly essential for businesses in this industry. HiTCH offers a comprehensive suite of TMS solutions designed to optimize vehicle allocation, enhance fleet productivity, and maximize profitability. Shared mobility providers can unlock fleet potential through strategies like fleet optimization, dynamic routing, integration with mobility platforms, and predictive analytics. Experience the revolution with HiTCH’s advanced features and algorithms. Schedule a demo now!