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In the dynamic world of logistics, understanding the preferences of drivers is crucial for maintaining a smooth and efficient operation. At RunBuggy, we’re proud to announce an innovative update to RunBot, our intelligent A.I. designed to enhance driver satisfaction by matching them with their preferred transportation jobs. 

The Power of “Seen” Data 

“Seen” data, a pivotal component of our latest RunBot update, refers to the tracking of interactions that drivers have with job listings on our platform. This data provides deep insights into which types of transportation jobs our drivers show interest in—whether it’s long hauls, local deliveries, or specialized transport. 

Smarter Job Matching 

With this update, RunBot can now better understand and predict the preferences of our drivers and logistics team. By analyzing the jobs they check out, our system adapts and learns, improving its ability to match drivers with the types of trips they prefer. This is not just about filling positions but about creating a match that aligns with the driver’s desires and strengths. 

Benefits of Enhanced Matching 

This smarter pairing process leads to numerous benefits: 

  • Increased Driver Satisfaction: Drivers are more content and engaged when they work jobs that align with their preferences. Which in turn reduces turnover and increasing loyalty. 
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Accurately matching drivers with suitable jobs reduces time spent on mismatched routes. It also ensures that each job is completed more efficiently. 
  • Enhanced Service Quality: Satisfied drivers are more likely to provide better service, leading to happier customers and improved overall service quality. 


By integrating “seen” data into RunBot, RunBuggy is taking a significant step towards personalizing the logistics experience for our drivers. Indeed, this update proves our commitment. We’re using technology not just for our business needs. It also enhances our drivers’ work lives. As we upgrade our tech, we stay focused. Our goal is a more intuitive, responsive logistics platform. Learn more about RunBot at