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This is the second part in RunBuggy’s multi-part series on Cybersecurity.  

From the RunBuggy platform to the RunBuggy app on Android and iPhone, our containerized applications with high availability enables everything we do. Without these high-availability containerized applications, we wouldn’t be able to bring the ultimate speed and reliability that your business, your team, and your customers rely on. 

Even though container technology was first introduced in 1979, it lay dormant for several decades until cloud computing, combined with Kubernetes in 2017, became the industry standard. Redefining how companies deploy their products has changed the way almost all of us interact with technology… For the better!  

A container is a portable computing environment that contains everything an application needs to run, from binaries to dependencies and configuration files. There are many benefits to containerized applications, including the following:  


You’ve probably heard of, “Write once, run anywhere.” What this means is that the abstraction provided by containerization ensures that your container works the same way regardless of where you deploy it. This guarantees minimal hassle for your developers and your bottom line.  


In contrast to VMs (i.e., virtual machines), containers minimize overhead by using all available resources. This allows a single host to perform all its functions without interfering with other containers. When using the host’s operating system kernel, the overhead is drastically reduced.  


Containers can be created in a rapid manner and deployed to any environment, so they represent a crucial tool to streamline DevOps workflows. A technique called orchestration spins up a container when a task presents itself, and the container can be shut down when it no longer needed. 

Faster Delivery  

By using micro-services that are compartmentalized, they allow the application to be divided up into discrete parts. These compartmentalized micro-services mean that developers can deploy new code faster and implement changes much more quickly, speeding up the process from an initial concept to implementation.  

Improved Security  

Working like a ballast on a ship with individual compartments, the isolation introduced by containerization adds an additional layer of security. If one container is compromised, the other containers on the host remain secure. Likewise, in addition to being isolated from one another, the containers are also isolated from the host operating system and only minimally interact with computing resources. This makes containerized applications highly secure.  

Faster App Startup  

Much more lightweight than VMs, the startup times on containers are virtually instantaneous. This allows for clients and users to enjoy a prompt and quick experience through the RunBuggy app.  


Resource limitations can easily become opportunities to innovate when the versatility exists to operate code in either a virtualized or a bare metal environment. Containers are also flexible enough that you can host certain elements on bare metal while deploying others to virtual cloud environments.  

Easier Management  

Companies have the ability to monitor the health and status of their containers. Containers also include self-healing features, installation, rollbacks, and simplified upgrades. Both your IT department and developers will enjoy how much easier containers are to manage.  

In part three of this multi-part series, we’ll focus on RunBuggy’s dedicated in-house security team that’s embedded in the DevOps pipeline (DevSecOps).